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Blog entry by Angeles Lionel

\u4e0b\u984e\u9aa8\u89d2\u524a\u9aa8\u624b\u8853\u524d\u5f8c\u6bd4\u5c0d\u7167\u7247 - \u524a\u9aa8\u624b\u8853\u6848\u4f8b\u5206\u4eab \u53f0\u4e2d.\u5609\u7fa9.\u5f70\u5316.\u53f0\u5357.\u9ad8\u96c4 - \u6848\u4f8b\u5206\u4eab - \u53f0\u4e2d\u6559\u4e3b\u6574\u5f62\u91ab\u7f8e\u6b0a\u5a01\u91ab\u5e2b\u63a8\u85a6BishopClinic \u53f0\u4e2d.\u5609\u7fa9steotomy is a kind of plastic surgery, also known as maxillofacial plastic surgery. By repairing and remodeling the facial skeleton structure, the facial contour and appearance are changed. The details are as follows:pass 削骨手術 It can be seen from the present situation that is relatively broad, which is conducive to our reference and investment.